Cell Phone Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What is a custom title?

Your custom title is the title just below your user name. You can purchase rights to change yours or another member’s in the feature store. Beware!! It is a simple matter for someone to discover it was YOU who changed someone’s title by clicking recent purchases!

How is the bank better than my mattress?

The Bank allows you to deposit money to an interest bearing account. A daily 2% or your deposit is added to your total. Banking your money keeps it safe from the Thief feature and hides it from the public eye. You will have to withdraw money from your Bank account to make purchases on the board or in the store.

What’s this “thief” thing?

The Thief feature gives you the chance to attempt to take money from another user. The prerequisite is that you must have as much money in your pocket as you intend to thief from another. Give it a try and the odds are about 50% overall (the odds of each theft calculated individually) that you come out that much richer!

Before you get too excited, there are some drawbacks. If you fail in your attempt it will backfire and the amount you attempted to take will be deducted from your pocket and given to the person you tried to steal from. In addition, you have a ‘reputation score’. Both successful and failed attempts have a negative effect on your reputation score. That doesn’t sound so bad if nobody but you can see it, right? Except that, to the best of our knowledge, a poor reputation score makes it easier for everyone else to steal from you!! Philanthropy is always commendable, however, and donating your cash to other members will raise that reputation score!

Nevertheless, if you happen to see your CPF$ dwindling you might check our version of the police blotter and see which member’s nimble fingers have been at work!

Where's the "Buy" link?

If you don’t see a [buy] link in the store its likely that you just don’t have enough money in your pocket to purchase that action!

Why does that action cost $0.00?

Some actions really don’t cost you a thing – like bank and thief. Some members may notice that some ‘paid’ actions have a price of $0.00, this is because you have already purchased this feature. You can redo that action at half its original fee plus tax by simply clicking the “[buy]” link.

What is Tax for?

What can we say about tax? You have to pay them everywhere else, right? We haven’t the foggiest idea where the taxes you pay end up in the greater scheme of things, but it’s a fun little feature thrown into the software just so you can gripe about it!

How do I donate my cash to another user?

In the area on the left side of a post (in the default setup) you'll see small link that says "donate." Click that link and it shall take you to the donate pages where you will choose and them confirm username and amounts.

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